Yes! I/We accept THE TRINITY 400 CHALLENGE and support your effort to build a much needed new church that will better serve the growing needs of the parish, the deanery, and the greater Danbury community.
Name: ____________________________________________________
Street: ____________________________________________________
City: ______________________ State: ___________ Zip: _____________
Telephone: __________________ E-mail: __________________________
Support Levels:
* Trinity 400 Benefactor $1,000
* Beautifier $500
* Steward $250
* Guardian $100
* Friend $50
* Other $ ______
o Enclosed is the full amount of my pledge $ _________
o Enclosed is $ _______ and the balance of my pledge will be paid over a period
of __________ (up to 2 years).
_____Annually _____Semi-Annually _____Quarterly _____Monthly
Please make checks payable to:
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
74 Joe’s Hill Road
Danbury, CT 06811
Attn: Treasurer
Thank you for your generous donations. Holy Trinity Orthodox Church is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt
organization and will provide a receipt for tax purposes.